On Sunday night, June 19, we left the Bible School behind and flew back to Nairobi. Everyone looked forward to the visit to the elephant orphanage. We we not disappointed. These very loving animals bond to their personal trainers, who are with them twenty four hours a day.
At night time the trainer sleeps in a bunk, in the elephant's bedroom. The babies have a blanket tuckedaround them while they sleep and wear it all day for the first few months.
The trainers feed them their bottles, which look like they hold about four litres.

Come back again soon for more of Africa!
Margaret will share on the next couple blogs.
Those bottles were emptied very quickly!
Just for the record, these fascinating animals have wrinkles at a very young age, yet everyone kept saying how cute they were. I'm keeping that in mind!
On to the giraffe farm.
We had the fun of feeding them pellets right from our hands. Brenda, the nurse teacher, enjoyed the thrill of allowing a tall giraffe to take a pellet from between her lips. No one else wanted the same thrill, except a trainer below. Note: Brenda also taught classes on person cleanliness.
Our day-off was crowned with two more special events.
First... a visit to Pan African University, where Paul and Lynn Kohls take leadership roles, he the academic dean, and she a professor. Another beautiful Canadian couple who have given their lives to the education of Kenyan youth. An incredible environment of learning, with impressive grounds and buildings.
Second... dinner at Safari Hotel. The most beautiful grounds graced with gardens. pools, bridges and palms lighted for evening dining.
The menu included: crocodile, camel, goat, and gizzards. I tried all but the gizzards. Too many new tastes all at once.
Question: Is it okay to have this much fun on a 'mission trip'?
Come back again soon for more of Africa!
Margaret will share on the next couple blogs.