Monday, August 31, 2009

We hit the local news with our WHO WILL GO family Fun Day held on July 25th. Watch for the follow-up in the News Express after we return October 15th.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Places of interest: Calcutta (Kolkatta)

Most of you will recognize Mothere Theresa's name but do you know about Mark and Huldah Buntain? Canadians who went for a short term to India but stayed and served over 53 years. Huldah and other family members are still in ministry there. They ministered to the entire person, physically and spiritually, working as did Mother Theresas in the inner city. Mark, known to some as St. Mark of Calcutta, founded the Mission of Mercy Hospital.

While in Calcutta, we have the privilege of addressing the Bible College/Seminary students at AG's (Pastor Buntains Seminary), Calcutta Bible College and Calcutta Bible Seminary.

The guest house where we stay in Calcutta is right next door to Mother Theresa's home.

Sunday September 20 each of us will speak in three different churches.

Thanks for travelling with us.

Happy Serving HIM!
Bob and Ruth Lord send me.